Each school year begins and ends with a mandatory retreat (one in the fall and the other in the spring). The fall retreat topic is related to the curriculum focus for that year, for example, the Biblical year would have a retreat related to biblical studies. The spring retreat focus is ministry or spirituality. It may include topics such as Pastoral Care, Discipleship, Prayer, Telling our story, Homeletics, or how to prepare a worship service.
The retreats are also a wonderful time for building community, as well as time for personal reflection, rest, relaxation, and recreation. The weekend begins on Friday evening (7:00 pm) and ends Sunday at noon. All students are required to attend the entire retreat unless a request is made in writing to the Dean of the school and approved by the school board before the retreat begins.
The retreats are held at Camp Calumet
Below are some images of retreats. For more images click here